
While Rome burned, people probably compared lentil soup recipes. Just before the Nazi’s took hold, neighbors may have made sauerkraut together and sidestepped political discussions. In current day, this version could be sharing dog pics in mixed groups as the earth melts. Maybe we’ve never been that good at engaging with various opinions, openly sharing… Continue reading People

Give an hour

The universal switchboard is lighting up and I’m taking a lot of calls. The message came through quickly, as they do, you just have to pay attention. I happened to hear it. It said, give an hour of help toward someone. Don’t hesitate. Act on this. Need help? I’ll give you an hour. Sign up… Continue reading Give an hour

Flotsam & Jetsam

If you don’t know what to do, pick up litter at the beach. It’s never the wrong move. At one point I am alone by the surf and this is where loud singing is released. I went to Heceta beach in Florence to pick up trash and I remembered a Mary Oliver poem that goes… Continue reading Flotsam & Jetsam

Comfort within

A man made bird sounds on an early morning bird walk. He tweeted, squeaked, squawked, whistled, buzzed and whooshed with his mouth making him my favorite bird that morning. A couple weeks ago, two people I’ve never met stood at my front fence and voiced observations: “I love your squash forest!”“I love your amaranth! It… Continue reading Comfort within

Brain rinse

Do not favor the company of paranoia. Whether it’s people, places, or the internet. I recently advised someone asking for help, “don’t pick friends who light up your paranoia.” “If you walk there, you will smell like pennyroyal,” said a voice. “Is that good or bad?” I asked. “I think it’s good,” said another. “It’s… Continue reading Brain rinse


Misinformation is like junk food. Once you get hooked, nothing else compares. It hits all your immediate imbalances like sugar and salt and a sense of righteous satisfaction lands. It seeps into the synapsis that please the unwieldy parts of the brain. Brain loves anything that backs up brain’s already held opinions. I ask people… Continue reading Misinformation