Crow habit

I have a crow habit. I know them: Crow, Crowie, and Croatia. There are more but I can’t remember their names. Some have asked me to paint them as they see themselves. It’s hard to describe but they don’t see themselves like we see them. They can be oversized black squares of energy that talk… Continue reading Crow habit

Brain rinse

Do not favor the company of paranoia. Whether it’s people, places, or the internet. I recently advised someone asking for help, “don’t pick friends who light up your paranoia.” “If you walk there, you will smell like pennyroyal,” said a voice. “Is that good or bad?” I asked. “I think it’s good,” said another. “It’s… Continue reading Brain rinse

Look, a bird!

I didn’t mean to end up in the shaman section, but that can happen when you are looking for books about trees. I was at the library. I couldn’t find the book about cottonwoods, so I had to ask the librarian for help, which made me feel about eight-years old. As the librarian lead the… Continue reading Look, a bird!