Habitat Restoration

It was beautiful. It was fun. It was hard work. We brought our love of beavers, nature, and our lunch to spend the day tackling a habitat restoration project under the care of Beaverworks. We worked very hard with hand tools for hours. You must have wit, grit, and a sense of wonderment to complete… Continue reading Habitat Restoration

Green Island

This is where two rivers meet: McKenzie and Willamette. Sometimes I think we ask too much of nature. We go forest bathing and swimming in it; walking and running through it; drinking, huffing, and gobbling it down, all the time. It gives all that we need. How do we give back? I thought this while… Continue reading Green Island


I bicycled over the river today in the morning fog. There were rows of spider webs catching the wind from the bridge railing, about 500 or so. Never saw them before. Saw them today because each strand carried moisture that illuminated their webs. At the arch of the bridge, there was a group of a… Continue reading Notifications