Lower the temp; raise the vibe

I think one reason mask wearing became controversial is because it was an act of respect and half of Americans didn’t want to. It was inconvenient. To be asked to put a mask over your blowhole to resist spraying others nearby was viewed as so totally unreasonable it actually got people killed. I’ve come up… Continue reading Lower the temp; raise the vibe


While Rome burned, people probably compared lentil soup recipes. Just before the Nazi’s took hold, neighbors may have made sauerkraut together and sidestepped political discussions. In current day, this version could be sharing dog pics in mixed groups as the earth melts. Maybe we’ve never been that good at engaging with various opinions, openly sharing… Continue reading People


Misinformation is like junk food. Once you get hooked, nothing else compares. It hits all your immediate imbalances like sugar and salt and a sense of righteous satisfaction lands. It seeps into the synapsis that please the unwieldy parts of the brain. Brain loves anything that backs up brain’s already held opinions. I ask people… Continue reading Misinformation

2020 election

I’m writing an article about beavers and the two worlds have blended. I see beaver democrats building a new structure from underwater. They just kept laying one branch on another and it took shape. They got it above the waterline. Bears can’t break into beaver lodges. Republicans cannot destroy the structure of democracy.  “A boil… Continue reading 2020 election