Passing through

I walked behind a man leaving the library. He glided out, totally avoiding contact with the door, to let it slam shut for the next person, me. I can open a door, so it’s not a hardship. I just think we need to realize we are not the only ones walking through doors. I hold doors open for men, women, cats, spiders, dogs, and flies. Everyone has places to go.

Earlier that day I had been tangling with right-wing conspiracy blackberries who shouted, “NO OBSTRUCTION! NO COLLUSION!” Blackberries speak in italics.

My physical therapist said I was misaligned with multiple patterns of prolonged aggravation. That’s the gist of it. 

Later, I saw a guy on the bike path walking, head down, reading the Mueller Report. 

Back to doors and public passages. My point is when around others, it’s helpful to be aware of them when they are also going through a door. We pass through openings all the time and they aren’t just for us personally. They are for us collectively. So, collectively, don’t block the flow. Instead, make it graceful and allow passage. Unless someone you don’t like is chasing you and you need to get away, pause and hold the door. Maybe this will make the person feel seen. I see the flies buzzing in circles in my living room with nowhere to go and I open the door and they feel seen and buzz away. 

I was looking at a Pacific Yew tree with someone and we noticed right away that it had too many branches going in competing directions, throwing the tree itself off balance.

The path through the tomatoes

We agreed that an intervention was needed.

My friend said, “You cut the branches that cross, block the center, and finally, the sick and dying ones. You have to clean all that out to make room for the new.”

I agreed and said it was a great segue as we headed out for a walk and talk- about how to clean out the stuff that blocks us and takes up space and energy, for no good reason. All it does is build and hold tension.

Balance the awareness

How did she feel about forgiveness?

“Forgiveness? “I’m REALLY bad at it.”

ME: “How do you feel when you paint? 

SHE: “Oh great, I am transported.” 

ME: “You need to paint. Make room for that.” 

SHE: “You are right……”

“But I don’t have paint.”

I painted a sign a while ago and today someone took a picture of it on my fence. “Squirrel yoga” is on a stranger’s camera roll now. 

All things are connected. Look at the trees, the bugs, doors, and signs. They are ready to transport us, the collective. Do not obstruct.

I’m just passing through
Will I expand or contract?
I choose my next breath

1 comment

  1. I know that chicken! hope this goes on FB much to the joy of your adoring throngs! All of us! At once! It a winner!

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