
Monkey and beer in space

Misinformation is like junk food. Once you get hooked, nothing else compares. It hits all your immediate imbalances like sugar and salt and a sense of righteous satisfaction lands. It seeps into the synapsis that please the unwieldy parts of the brain. Brain loves anything that backs up brain’s already held opinions.

I ask people about politics and am always amazed when they say “I am not really interested in politics.” And so I ask, “do you vote?” And they say “yes.” And so I am guessing they are not interested in talking about politics with me. But before I figure this out, I ask “how do you make your decisions? What is your source? Where is your well of wisdom? From which winds do you sniff? From where does your truth kernel sprout? What color is your parachute?”

This is not photoshopped

At this point, things become vague quickly. “People are just uncivilized! They are angry! I don’t know who/what to believe! If only…! Both sides $%@! I don’t watch the news! I DON’T KNOW….!”

It’s often a straight-up nothingburger of a response and I’m just shocked. It is common for a case of confusion to be cited as the root cause.

I say that it is not confusing. It is confusing to follow shouting shouts by anyone who can share online. If you are reading/viewing the news, and by that I mean news provided by people with an education in reporting, it’s not confusing.

The eyes

To remain confused is to be conveniently uninformed.

Real discussions do not come in the language of one-liners and memes.

Folks might say that politics are personal and not to be discussed socially. I don’t think they are personal enough. The depersonalization of politics is the most frightening trend because it allows and encourages alienation among us. If we start with repression we end with suppression.

This is relaxing

“I’ll be a target.” Yes, you might. Or maybe you’ll be a touchstone. To some a target, to others a relief.


A touchstone literally tests the quality of gold and silver. It determines the property of genuineness, in minerals or people. Use this stone when you come in contact with information.

Taking time to think

Why live in a contained snow globe that only carries your personal truth slogans floating about to breathe and swim in 24/7? Because it is a certain kind of security and no vulnerability. It is being frozen in motion- it looks stable but it’s stagnant.

On Sundays I read on paper, not screen

I bought two newspapers at the store on Sunday, local and distal. I was among others doing the same and I felt community with them. Being around readers lowers my blood pressure. It’s not that we are agreeing about issues together, it’s that we are reading journalism. We value the work of journalists. I recommend this small investment. You will have to read things you don’t know about or may not agree with. This is good.

Embrace the quality of genuineness.

[All murals featured are in Eugene, Oregon.]

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