Comfort within

A man made bird sounds on an early morning bird walk. He tweeted, squeaked, squawked, whistled, buzzed and whooshed with his mouth making him my favorite bird that morning.

A couple weeks ago, two people I’ve never met stood at my front fence and voiced observations:

“I love your squash forest!”
“I love your amaranth! It looks nuclear!”
“I probably shouldn’t say that!”

Everybody is a little bit disoriented right now.

Sometimes I leave my house for work singing “Don’t Cry For Me Argentina.”

Hot smoky day at Mt. Pisgah

To be stable is not being right. It is being willing to be rooted in balanced soil, which reminds me I am going to plant garlic soon.

I’ve had an uptick in people sending me poetry. It’s not about me or them, but they send it and I read it. It’s a good arrangement. They are not afraid to send and I am not afraid to receive.

Lately I remember how much I enjoy the company of people who are comfortable in their own skin. What does that look like? Why does it feel good to be around them?

People who are comfortable in their own skin are kind to themselves first, and this generates a certain truthfulness and humility. They rarely criticize. They are attentive, rarely interrupting.

Recently someone was saying how uncomfortable it was to be holding shit and trying to pass it off to other people who didn’t need or want it. He pantomimed being stuck with invisible shit at about chest level.

After many years I have come up with a snappy comeback. When someone says “I wuz just givin’ you shit LOL” I’m going to say “I don’t need your shit, so go ahead and keep it to yourself LOL!”

Those comfortable in their skin do not have more confidence or competence. It is not charm. It is not success. The few people I know that have this make me feel like I can be myself around them. And this is likely because they are being themselves and not trying to be anyone else. And so I feel I can make mistakes, ask questions, talk about my ideas, and they will be kind toward me and whatever I share.

A rooted dwelling

They state their perspectives clearly, and allow room for discussion. They don’t take up the whole room. They share it. It feels welcoming.

I feel respected. It must be because they respect themselves. Loving respect, not achievement respect.

Smoky sunrise

Thank you, comfortable in your skin people, you are great teachers.

[All photos taken at Mt. Pisgah arboretum on September 4, 2021]


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