Dynamic situations

I made a photo booth without walls to mindfully receive images of happy birds landing into the frame by choice. I fired up the Canon Rebel XSi with a zoom lens and braced myself against a tree. The camera would not focus on the subject because I was impatient and had not allowed enough time for the battery to charge. This led to some cursing, which felt unseemly in this context, so I stopped.

Just before this I walked to the hippie health food store to buy bulk brown mustard seeds and bulk wildflower honey. Upon opening the spigot, the honey spilled on the side of the glass jar. I did not curse. I fetched a paper towel. My little old dog waited outside, tied up, like a champ. I was quick and there was no line.

As we walked home I remembered the two future cat names I have picked out: Monk and Boujee.

Last week, I cut several hazel branches from the Quaker meetinghouse and brought them home. Some cultures believe they inspire magic and poetry. I am currently accepting magic and poetry.

Over the weekend I went on another Audubon walk. My hands quickly became numb from the cold. There was a light wet rain for most of the time. Binoculars got wet and foggy. Nobody ever complains about the rain or cold. Instead they bring out dry lens cloth to share with the group. My back hurt, my knee hurt. I said nothing. I’m not going to be the whiner. We trudged onward. Saw a few birds including lots of ducks. Though common, my favorite bird might be the red-wing blackbird.

We stood in a flat grass field and looked at geese a few yards away. The guide told us, “the Canada geese fly in neat V-shapes, while the cackling geese fly in a more messy V.” Today I watched geese fly overhead and tried to discern an organized V-shape verses a messy
V -shape. 

One birder asked me what a bird was? I looked, “I think it’s a house finch.”
“it’s cute!” A few moments later we looked at blue-winged teal ducks. “Adorbs!” She said to me, face lit up. “Totally adorbs!” I replied. 

The leader said that there is a movement afoot to name birds after themselves and drop the ones named after people, like Bewick’s wren, Townsend Warbler. Most were in favor.

One man said it seemed like a good idea, though it would create a “dynamic” situation. One duck was named the Old Squaw Duck. It’s time to ditch that name. 

I’m less busy this week with work as it’s Spring break. One recent day stood out as a good shift because it involved 3 things:

1. Rumi poetry. “Rumi’s a man?!”
2. Confirmed a young man was, in fact, a daoist.
3. Validated a superpower, which was previously perceived as a weird thing.

Ask yourself these five questions, for better health:

  1. When did you last sing?
  2. When did you last dance?
  3. Where is your garden?
  4. Where is your water?
  5. Who is your tribe?

I made a photo booth without walls to receive images of happy birds landing by choice. I fired up the Canon and braced myself to tighten the gaze on a jay who will work for peanuts. But, the Canon would not focus, the battery was too low. This led to some cursing which felt unseemly in this context.Dynamic situation


  1. I sing and dance every day with my grandson, who insists on it. We boogie and laugh a lot. We also play in the garden, watering or pretend watering (it’s all the same when you are not yet two).

    1. I think these questions take a journey and we can allow for timely answers, even ones that change.

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