Flowers wave at the traffic going by

I practiced 20 different introductions as I walked toward the Flower Garden of Mystery. This is a large plot of sunflowers and nasturtiums on the corner of Hilyard and E. 25th. “Hi, my name is Mary Ann and I love your garden and I wondered if I could interview you for my blog, which has… Continue reading Flowers wave at the traffic going by

New territory: The Colonoscopy

“Think of it as a cleanse,” a friend advised. I had already thought of this. But, I liked hearing it from an outside source. The colon is the exit, the place to discharge things from the body. It’s the solid waste disposal. What else could be disposed of? Is there a holistic angle to a… Continue reading New territory: The Colonoscopy

The Maiden Voyage

“You ate your dessert first!” She said, stating the obvious as the fudge brownie was already half gone. “Yes. I do that,” said I. The sandwiches were taking forever. I have little self control. We were having lunch at the Metropol to celebrate the first paddle of the new kayak. Mariann, my friend and paddle… Continue reading The Maiden Voyage

Stand-up paddle the urban Willamette

I pushed off at Sellwood Riverfront park. The plan? Paddle the board toward the city. I wouldn’t make it all the way, but the journey looked good. I parked on a street nearly under Sellwood bridge and headed toward what I thought was a boat launch. It seemed that it had been one a long… Continue reading Stand-up paddle the urban Willamette

Be the tree, strong and flexible: spring is in the air.

Wood is the element of spring. What are the conditions of spring and how do we notice, align, and incorporate with this season? This blog churns up a few notions about Chinese medicine from an elemental/seasonal perspective. We are all of this earth, so we have earthy elements. Studying the elements is a way to… Continue reading Be the tree, strong and flexible: spring is in the air.

Tend your life

It’s pussy willow season, did you know that? I’ve been out the last two evenings collecting gorgeous bundles along a nearby creek. I like harvesting them because you have to notice them, time it, pay attention. It feels old and sweet and real. While slogging around in my rubber boots tonight, I noticed two hawks,… Continue reading Tend your life

Field trip for the soul

I was feeling a little bummed out. I needed some different scenery. I had some things on my mind and they weren’t all happy things. What to do with a melancholic half day off? Leave town. First stop, the bird refuge. My spirit needed a rinse of water, sky, birds, rain. This is a story… Continue reading Field trip for the soul

Be slightly ridiculous

I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it, but I pick up sticks. I collect them. I see them everywhere. Usually they are on the ground. I don’t go around poaching live branches off trees. Some of the best places to find them are on the borders and edges of reservoirs. Roots, limbs, branches, and even… Continue reading Be slightly ridiculous

Where the hell is Eddyville?

I made a day trip today, a coastal loop. From Eugene to Yachats to Newport to Eddyville to Corvallis back to Eugene. The first ocean outing was Florence at the big beach behind a resort my brothers and I call “Shiftwood Drawers.” Its real name is Driftwood Shores, not nearly as catchy.   The dog… Continue reading Where the hell is Eddyville?