empty clothes

On walks, I often see scattered piles of pants, shirts, or socks, shorts, or jackets. By walking paths, under bridges, near bushes, at intersections,in alleys, near parking lots, by fences. What is the story? Do people dematerialize and reconstruct in other places, leaving clothes behind? Are clothes the first layer to go when change is… Continue reading empty clothes

transformation betwixt land and sea

Plankton are abundant here. “It smells very biological,” said one man I met in the sparsely filled parking lot. One area in particular did smell like the brew of a million creatures. The South Slough Reserve is so understated, I think it goes unnoticed by the crowds. It was America’s first estuarine research reserve, established… Continue reading transformation betwixt land and sea

Generosity of spirit

Poetry group this month with Ilene and Carol jumped off with the theme of forgiveness. Ilene said once she got into forgiveness, it hit her, “ok, this is the deal.” She led forgiveness workshops and wrote, “nothing is as deeply raw as the time leading up to the act of forgiving and nothing comes from… Continue reading Generosity of spirit