Be slightly ridiculous

I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it, but I pick up sticks. I collect them. I see them everywhere. Usually they are on the ground. I don’t go around poaching live branches off trees. Some of the best places to find them are on the borders and edges of reservoirs. Roots, limbs, branches, and even… Continue reading Be slightly ridiculous

Signs that speak

Making signs has become a passion of mine. It involves words, discarded wood, and sticks. I can do it outside and inside. It’s expressive and involves color choices. I like it. The following is my latest group of signs and their stories. The devotion sign had to be made because I kept saying devotion in… Continue reading Signs that speak

Meditation provokes potato calm

Today’s group meditation was like a smooth slalom through warm, mashed potatoes. Visualize effortlessly carving left and right down a gentle tater slope. An occasional splatter sprays your cheek. You lick at this flavor of experience. There is only a slight drag on the bottom of your skis, not in an obstructive way, but in… Continue reading Meditation provokes potato calm

Emotional fitness

I work out for emotional fitness. I work out for heart health. No, not just the cardio blood-pumping heart health. Sure, that’s good common sense, which we all know. I like to work out to make my heart feel stronger on an emotional and spiritual level. Yep, that’s right. I think emotional fitness is where… Continue reading Emotional fitness

The finish of the PCT, back from the wilderness

Remember when I interviewed Chance Fitzpatrick about halfway through his walk from Mexico to Canada? Here is that: Chance kept going as a thru hiker and made it to Canada in good time. We decided to chat again at the end of his journey. I wanted to ask a few more questions. 1. Why… Continue reading The finish of the PCT, back from the wilderness

Sanctuary. Do you have one in your neighborhood?

Sometimes sanctuaries are just sitting there. You have no idea. I found one today, just a few miles from where I live. Cortesia Sanctuary is in the woods of South Eugene. Cortesia comes from Cortese, a 900-year-old French word, which means “quiet.” Just kidding, actually, it means “a deep, noble courtesy and reverence for the… Continue reading Sanctuary. Do you have one in your neighborhood?

DIY autumn body wash: Inspire; Release!

The following is a fall aromatherapy body wash based on Chinese elemental theory. The season is: autumn. Time to let go of the old, and take in the new. The direction of this time of year is downward- a quiet movement back into the earth to push nutrients into the soil for next spring. The… Continue reading DIY autumn body wash: Inspire; Release!

Aging. How to grow.

Suddenly it hits you, you’ve aged. Today’s blog is about aging beautifully. I spoke with Ilene Cummings, 85, who leads workshops about aging with grace: aging beautifully. This is part of her work as a human development counselor and retreat leader. “You have to learn to love yourself in spite of what is happening to… Continue reading Aging. How to grow.

Finding the window out of addiction

“I saw the window, so I took it,” was what he said. This was in response to the question of how did you quit large doses of prescribed pain medication and copious amount of pot smoking? He started out with neck pain and back pain. The pain medication and pot smoking rained down to cover… Continue reading Finding the window out of addiction