Schoooot Trump!

We need to model assertive leadership and that means we need to learn the schooot schooot sound.

In order to fact check, a secure ego must be in place to understand that it’s possible to be wrong and to keep learning.

Democracy needs a firm hand to remain our governing style, and who we need to secure it is the dog whisperer, that Cesar Millan guy. Give Cesar full access to the dog of choice for republicans, Trump.

The dog whisperer would confidently stride right up to Trump, holding a leash. Trump’s eyes might narrow and dart side to side and he will growl and snarl and snap and say in dog words: Fakkkkkkeee newsssssss I woooooon GIIIVEE MEEEE MORRRE MONEYYYYYY as saliva foams around his mouth. Republicans won’t know what to do, whether to make a run for it, or to stage a coup at Millan’s dog ranch to please their master, their favorite attack dog.

There are no bad dogs is what Cesar will say, only corrupt political parties held up by conspiracy theories based on fear and lacking.

To correct this dog and party, we must use the dog training mantra: rules, boundaries and limitations.

Just then Trump will mouth off and instantly be corrected with a schhhhhoooot! schhhhhhooooot! sound and led quietly but firmly away by a confident, balanced energy dog trainer, intolerant of letting a dangerous dog continue to influence his submissive pack.


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