empty clothes

On walks, I often see scattered piles of pants, shirts, or socks, shorts, or jackets. By walking paths, under bridges, near bushes, at intersections,in alleys, near parking lots, by fences. What is the story? Do people dematerialize and reconstruct in other places, leaving clothes behind? Are clothes the first layer to go when change is… Continue reading empty clothes

Lichen sanctuary

Some of my best ideas start out as jokes. Such as, the lichen sanctuary. The lichen sanctuary would rescue wayward lichen. There would be ample space to relocate displaced lichen. This place would be a safety net for lichen that has been pushed out of its habitat, fallen out of a tree, and unable to… Continue reading Lichen sanctuary

How to be cheerfully non-attached yet seriously engaged

The more open to failure I am, the more I succeed. The less attached I am to outcome, the greater it is. The more ideas I present with back-up plans, the more they’re accepted instantly. If I ask with less worry, the answer bounces back with less stickiness. If I’m willing to not win I… Continue reading How to be cheerfully non-attached yet seriously engaged

Advice poem

If you don’t like groups, join several If you hate water, go swimming If you’re resentful, find the release. Start your day by leaving your Hang-ups in a jar by the doorway. The door is where the dervish waits. When you return, your hang-ups have transformed to change. The coins stacked up, they invest in… Continue reading Advice poem

Give into your whole self

New storms come Not on schedule But they blow around and wash the old away Maybe today you’ll find your ancient tomb All the colors still showing life and reverence To bring to your highest priest self, in current time The hollow ancient space in your chest Will connect with the lost heart of art… Continue reading Give into your whole self

Field trip for the soul

I was feeling a little bummed out. I needed some different scenery. I had some things on my mind and they weren’t all happy things. What to do with a melancholic half day off? Leave town. First stop, the bird refuge. My spirit needed a rinse of water, sky, birds, rain. This is a story… Continue reading Field trip for the soul

Horse poem

Breath by Horse The elevator drops down centuries deep, below cured manure through the soft round belly Deep breathes of peace flare through velvet horse nostrils cool inhale hot exhale each breath grasps the heavens takes it down, pulses it through the dirt   Mary Ann Petersen 2016