Lichen sanctuary

Some of my best ideas start out as jokes. Such as, the lichen sanctuary. The lichen sanctuary would rescue wayward lichen. There would be ample space to relocate displaced lichen. This place would be a safety net for lichen that has been pushed out of its habitat, fallen out of a tree, and unable to… Continue reading Lichen sanctuary

How to be cheerfully non-attached yet seriously engaged

The more open to failure I am, the more I succeed. The less attached I am to outcome, the greater it is. The more ideas I present with back-up plans, the more they’re accepted instantly. If I ask with less worry, the answer bounces back with less stickiness. If I’m willing to not win I… Continue reading How to be cheerfully non-attached yet seriously engaged

Notes from January

We gathered on my living room floor near the flickering stove to start our group meditation. The orange tabby loitered in front of me. The small dog jumped in her round bed, 2 feet away.  “So, tell me what brings you here to meditate? “ The cat started to chase a bug. The dog stared… Continue reading Notes from January

Advice poem

If you don’t like groups, join several If you hate water, go swimming If you’re resentful, find the release. Start your day by leaving your Hang-ups in a jar by the doorway. The door is where the dervish waits. When you return, your hang-ups have transformed to change. The coins stacked up, they invest in… Continue reading Advice poem

The March

I have been to all three women’s marches. Eugene’s, this year, was called the Womxn’s march. I go alone and see who I end up with. I always find a buddy and we walk and talk through most of it.    I ended up walking with a retired veterinarian this year and we talked about… Continue reading The March

Help with less answers and more listening

We often seek solutions or fixes to complex questions. There is a way to pause. A way to absorb what is going on before problem solving. Some would describe spiritual direction as a movement toward soul wholeness. A spiritual director is there to help us tune into ourselves. They are not there to tell us… Continue reading Help with less answers and more listening

Give into your whole self

New storms come Not on schedule But they blow around and wash the old away Maybe today you’ll find your ancient tomb All the colors still showing life and reverence To bring to your highest priest self, in current time The hollow ancient space in your chest Will connect with the lost heart of art… Continue reading Give into your whole self

Confidential Conversations

We end up together in a small room and I listen. It goes like this: a person comes in, and they speak a stream of images regarding their condition. First, they might say, “COW BUCKET WINDOW BREAD SUN ECHO.” And I say, “oh, ok…,” and I address this list. The subject is aches and pains,… Continue reading Confidential Conversations

England smells different and other facts

The US verses the UK. Similar but different. At first glance, birds, squirrels, knobs, switches, levers, handles, toilets, breakfast, trains, blackberries, hotel lights…. seem the same. Quickly, they turn out not to be the same. Right away, crows are different. Or, rather, they have Jackdows, which look like crows. They are among the crow family.… Continue reading England smells different and other facts